Alumtek History Creative Innovative Veteran
Alumtek company was established in 1963 as a private limited company with the aim of producing all kinds of aluminum profiles, and by purchasing a land with an area of 70 thousand square meters, 2 kilometers from Qazvin-Tehran road, it built a factory and by purchasing an extrusion press and installing it In 1968, it began to produce all kinds of construction aluminum profiles.
In 1967, Alumtec Company changed from a private stock to a public stock and entered the market with the aim of producing all kinds of aluminum overhead conductor products needed by the electricity industry. The purchase and installation of machines related to the production of cables and conductors in 1969 and production lines were carried out. It was put into operation in 1970. According to the country’s need for overhead conductors and the need to increase the production capacity of Alumtek company in order to provide the aluminum rod it needs, by carrying out the development project, it started the establishment of Alumrod company in 1978 and by purchasing the necessary machines, the aluminum rod production line was established. After the victory of the Islamic revolution, Alumtek was handed over to the government in 1980, and as one of its satellite companies, it was covered by the Ministry of Energy
Also, due to the rising trend of the need to use electric energy and the urgent need of the Ministry of Energy to s transmission lines and develop the electricity supply network in the country, it was possible to develop the company in 2002, which includes the following plans:
- Development plan and increasing the capacity of ACSR and alloy conductors and optical composite conductors by creating a development hall
- The development plan for the production of all kinds of homogenized billets through the installation and commissioning of the melting furnace and the DC line and the homogenizing furnace.
- Development plan of alloy rod production line by installing and setting up a new casting system and automatic coiler
- Development plan and completion of profiling machines by installing and setting up the puller machine and table press automation equipment.
Transferring government shares and turning into a private company
In 2007, in line with the implementation of principle 44, the management shares of Satkab Company (the specialized parent company for the supply of water and electricity of the Ministry of Energy) were auctioned in the amount of 28% in the stock exchange organization, which was handed over to the private sector in April 2008. and from this year, this company continues its activity in a completely private section.

Components of this Production Complex
This production complex consists of 4 separate, equipped and modern production lines as follows:
- Production line of all kinds of air conductors
- Production line of all kinds of construction and industrial profiles
- Pure and alloy aluminum wire production line
- Production line of pure and alloy aluminum billets
- The portfolio of products and the production capacity of each of them
At present, the following products are produced in the three aforementioned factories
- Production of distribution and transmission line conductors with a capacity of 42,000 tons per year
- Production of profiles with different sections with a capacity of 8,000 tons per year
- Production of aluminum and alloy wire with a diameter of 9.5 to 12 mm with a capacity of 27,000 tons per year
- Billet production in different alloys with a capacity of 10,000 tons per year